Over the past year or so, I have been working with artist The Last Days of Our Past on a collaboration of visuals and music. Using my photography from a set I never had found a home for, Marcel created music to represent the atmosphere and journey shown in these images. We also worked on some writings and animated visuals for Spotify.

This project's themes centre on the process of letting go of great pain and anger, losing yourself in those emotions like a black hole, or a strange, foggy place, and hoping to find your way out, releasing yourself from the chains of guilt and anguish. 

Framlingham Castle Mere - 2016

Fear           Obligation           Guilt
A personal favourite of mine from the album:
I’m not allowed to be big or loud
But to be quiet is just as damning 
The air is cold about the house 
Though the hearth has not stopped burning
Skin peeling back like a dust jacket
I don’t welcome the familiar sting
It hurts every time, yet I still rip away my shelter.

Whenever the over whelms, I begin again scratching at the walls
yanking at my teeth.

All they see is a glimmer of putrid stuck in my eye. Glass from the hateful mirror.
I should know better than to let my anger simmer.
Softly, softly,
my world grows smaller 
draft seeps beneath the door  
I’m used to mayhem, but now you falter, 
carving carnage from my core. 

I feel it still, now and then,
soil grit between my rings 
Swiftly, swiftly, 
upon my chest
foul weight finds mouth to sing

You unroot me with such care
and I begin to thaw, 
Slowly, slowly, 
my world grows richer
in hues I never knew before.
Grief’s throat is dry, he must feed,
for loss is an ocean in which you bleed.
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